Collaboratory is a concept developed by Jasmine Isdrake based on many years of research in game culture, indie and art house film/game work, DIY, hacker and maker culture, innovation processes, creative commons, incubator and accelerator models, and social innovation, CSR/ASR. Collaboratory is a global design collective and was also a local space and living lab in Gothenburg. In short, Collaboratory is a game innovation lab including a makerspace, where social issues are adressed as part of a belief that all organisations should give some effort to make the world a better place. More info about the concept available here

A digital platform for the global design collective will be built when possible.
Collaborators, specially programmers and graphic designers are needed, get in touch if you would like to build this. In the mean time you can connect with the community here
and follow our events here

collaboratory_model_paleDesign by Jasmine Isdrake, illustration by Samantha Hookway.

In Gothenburg the social innovation based business model was depending on governmental support, unfortunately the city and the region did not value all the work the community did for the city, all applications were turned down, so we closed down our space Sept 1st 2015. The space, and the game brand that Collaboratory built for Lindholmen, was taken over by a commercial Science park initiative unwilling to collaborate; a game incubator with 30 million in support from the Western region. The old website with information about the structure, mission statement etc, as well as the events, game jams and pop up makerspaces the community is involved in is available here



Today maker culture is a big subject in many parts of the world. In Sweden more and more initiatives are popping up and a national community was created by Stockholm Makerspace in 2015. Check out Makers of Sweden

Representatives from makerspaces and other maker initiatives from all of Sweden gathering in Stockholm.

Another awesome initiative created in Stockholm, Makertjej (Maker girl).