My academic journey started in the field of archaeology where my main interest was cultural communication and narrative. Grave language is one of the main contexts where we can learn about this, and I focused mainly on Iron Age culture, also because I think iron is a very interesting material. Tools and materials from this period inspired my interest in technological development, leading to building a lab where game, film and maker culture merged.

The focus of my main thesis was the axe/hammer symbol, the most sacrificed symbol/object by humans all over the world.
ThesisĀ Torshammarringar
(In Swedish, 2007)
Summary in English

Graves and other spaces in my reference materials for the thesis contained game related objects and my interest for game culture increased when studying archaeology. Games are our oldest form of interactive culture, used for entertainment, learning, power play and rituals. I often lecture about game culture at universities and culture institutions and my experience covers all areas of game culture (academic/industry/community/indie). Visual and interactive narratives continued to be my focus as my academic journey went into film studies, transmedia and cognitive sciences.

Media archaeology is also an interest and I studied html and web design when Internet got accessible to the public, as well as film history, identity, digital identity, fashion, appearance, gender and cyborg art.

In connection to archaeology I studied geology and courses like GIS – Geographical Information Systems, Ethnoarchaeology and Crime Scene Archaeology. I also studied in Barcelona and Marbella (Spanish), New York (dance) and Iceland (archaeology, literature and early saga culture, geology).